

Theruvumala Imagine a place where rolling green hills stretch endlessly, misty clouds kiss the treetops, and the only sounds you hear ...

900 Kandi

900 Kandi

900 Kandi nestled in the enchanting hills of Wayanad, Kerala, promises an unforgettable escape into nature’s untouched splendor. Known for its ...

phantom rock

phantom rock

Phantom rock Phantom Rock, located near Ambalavayal in Wayanad, Kerala, is a fascinating natural rock formation shaped like a human skull, ...

maipady palace

Maipady palace

Maipady palace Maipady Palace, located near Kasaragod in Kerala, showcases the region’s rich history and cultural heritage. This majestic royal residence, ...



Janakikkadu Janakikkadu is a pristine ecological paradise in Kozhikode district that gives an excellent combination of herbal splendor, biodiversity, and calmness. There ...