Hanuman Statue Ezhimala

Hanuman Statue Ezhimala stands tall at the apex of Ezhimala hills, soaring 41 feet above sea level. Crafted by the talented artist K R Vengara, this magnificent statue is a tribute to U Surendra Shenoy, founder of Surya Ayurvedic Payyanur. Initially preserved by Swami Gopalji and now maintained by Sunson Herbal Products and Surya Trust, this iconic landmark attracts visitors from all walks of life, including those from as far as Jammu and Kashmir. With its backdrop against the Arabian Sea, the Hanuman Statue Ezhimala symbolizes strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

The place where the statue is orchestrated came to be known as AnjaneyaGiri. Irrespective of religion everyone can come and visit the statue. Even people from India’s north most tip Jammu and Kashmirhead to Ezhimala to see the statue. Ezhimala Hanuman Statue stays against the bend from the Arabian Sea. According to the belief this reflects Hanuman’s ability to go up against any hostile condition.

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