Pazhassi Kovilakam

Pazhassi Kovilakam, also known as the Pazhassi Palace, is a prominent historical landmark located in the Kannur district of Kerala, India. This palace holds great significance in the region’s history, particularly during the period of British colonial rule.

Historical Significance

Pazhassi Kovilakam was the residence of the Pazhassi Raja, also known as Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja, a valiant ruler and freedom fighter. He is often referred to as the “Lion of Kerala” for his fierce resistance against British colonial forces. The palace served as the administrative headquarters and a key strategic point during his campaigns against the British.

Architectural Features

The architectural style of Pazhassi Kovilakam reflects traditional Kerala design, characterized by its wooden structures, sloping roofs, and intricate carvings. The palace’s layout and design are indicative of the region’s cultural and architectural heritage, offering a glimpse into the royal lifestyle of the past.

pazhssi kovilakam

Pazhassi Kovilakam

Key Attractions

  • Museum and Exhibits: The palace houses a museum that showcases artifacts, weapons, and personal belongings of Pazhassi Raja. These exhibits provide valuable insights into the life and times of this legendary figure.
  • Historical Documents: Visitors can explore various documents and records from the colonial era, detailing the struggles and achievements of Pazhassi Raja and his contributions to the Indian freedom movement.
  • Cultural Events: The palace occasionally hosts cultural events and reenactments that celebrate the legacy of Pazhassi Raja and highlight the rich history of the region.

Legacy of Pazhassi Raja

Pazhassi Raja’s legacy is deeply embedded in Kerala’s history. His leadership and unwavering spirit in the face of colonial oppression have made him a symbol of resistance and pride for the people of Kerala. The stories of his battles and his strategic acumen continue to inspire future generations.


Check Pazhassi Padinjare Kovilakom at Google Map